My hair used to be blond when I was little but it's been getting darker thru the years. I had never dyed it or anything. Recently I went to a hair dresser and the dude there did something that made my hair start getting the original color again, besides giving shine and strength to it. I think he used some Redken product. He would wash my hair, give it some massage, put the product, then I went to that steam thing (dunno how it is called!) for about 20 mins, then washed again and that was it. I did it about 5 times thru a month and the results are still visible. The hairdresser didn't want to tell me what he used, so I don't know how to keep doing it myself. It was pretty expensive to do that at the hair dresser. I wonder if you guys have suggestions. Not only suggestions of products I could use, but even of healthy stuff to eat that might help in that matter.
How to naturally get my hair back to its blonde color?
I hate to inform you but many people have hair that darkens in colour as they age to adulthood and, even then, some people will continue to darken. Many Caucasians start out as blonde children and, then, darken as they grow up it is very natural for this to occur and it is also very common.
It sounds as though he, the stylist, chemically lightened your hair.
How to naturally get my hair back to its blonde color?
First of all you need a new hairdresser
He should have no problem telling you what is going in your hair
Second keep going to a salon don't do it yourself its more of a headache in the end
How to naturally get my hair back to its blonde color?
just let it all grow out
it's the best way to go!!
How to naturally get my hair back to its blonde color?
I was a toehead when I was little ... my hair has gotten darker every year (I'm nearly 40 now) ... I believe that the hairdresser did either chemically lighten your hair or used a treatment to remove rust, etc. (if you live in an area w/ well water). The hairdresser should NOT have a problem telling you what he did ... if he won't ... find a new one!!!
I struggled w/ the idea of being a "bleach blonde" for a long time ... I was in my late 20s before I started having my hair highlighted ... now I do it all the time, mostly in the winter ... in the summer it does it naturally if I'm out in the sun a lot.
Don't try to do any lightening at home ... your hair will end up yellow ... get any color done professionally. It's expensive ... but it looks better and more natural.
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