Saturday, August 1, 2009

Please help me with a new hair style?

ok so every year before school i change my hair style. I always end up getting side bangs and medium length. I need something new this year.

I always want my hair to grow long but when i go to the dresser i get the dead ends off and then end up with short hair that never gets any longer. im kinda lazy with my hair i usually put it up in a messy (good messy) pony/bun style becuase im usually pretty busy and dont have time.

I want a style thats easy to maintain, but i will take the time to make it nicley styled when ever i have the time. But for the days when i dont i need to have the length to put it up quickly.

my hair is like 1 inche past my sholders (medium length i guess) and its pretty thin, if there are any styles to give it volume that would be awsome. If you could give me pictures that would be awsome, since i can show it to my hair dresser instead of just trying to explain it.

thank you so much :)

Please help me with a new hair style?

i think you should get hair that sweeps down from a side part, but font cut it short, leave it longer and use the sunsilk products. they have many different knids for different kinds of hair. it made my hair less frizzy.

Please help me with a new hair style?

side bangs is cute. why did you change it?

Please help me with a new hair style?


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