Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bad hair!!?

so I (like most women) hate my hair....however I really think I'm justified! I have curly, dry, fine, thick hair. At the moment it is shoulder length and I straighten it daily. While not offensive, it's really really boring! I've always been too chicken to do anything with much style to it, because I'm afraid the texture of my hair will ruin the style. To make matters worse my usual hair dresser doesn't know jack about cutting hair (although I tell her every time I want LONG layers....she totally butchers it). So today I got brave and made an appointment at this really fancy salon for a consultation and cut on Saturday. Now I'm scared though! Did I make a mistake??? I don't know what to even tell them I want when I get there! Any suggestions?

Bad hair!!?

Make sure u write down everything you want her to know..tell her exactly what you want..ASK her if she could do it for you. Ask what products she suggests you use and tell her that you want to know step by step everything she is doing while she is styling it. pay attention andget her card sou can call her if u ave questions! Good luck and have fun!

Bad hair!!?

just go for it. if anything bad happens, don't sweat it, hair always grows back.

Bad hair!!?

Ihave naturally curly and yes it is a pain and can be very boring...I don't let anyone near my hair unless they know how to handle naturally curly hair. I mostely striaghten my hair myself and its a pain in the you know where. Yes that gets boring too. I noticed when its humid it curls up on its own and it looks nice half curled and half straight. I think you should check the background of these people and rethink your appt. if your in the nyc area i can refer you to my uncle who has expertise on style...

Bad hair!!?

well i have really thick, curly, poofy hair, and i used Herbal Essences, and it is really awesome stuff! it is actually the best shampoo/conditoner i have ever used!! hope this helped!

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